Geese Book Volume II - fol. 184v
De confessoribus non pontifices
Commune formulae for confessors (non bishops)
Mass for Saint Deocarus: Sequentia: Dilectus deo et hominibus
Deo et hominibus
et erit angelicus
aspectus eius.
Verbum vitae lingua eius,
et qui dilexerit eam, beatus.
In circuitu dentium eius fortitudo,
ibi erit sapientia cum consilio.
Labia eius murra probatissima,
guttur eius eructuans dulcia aromata.
Dorsum illius quasi scutum sculptile
ornatum gemmis undique.
Via illius via simplicis
liberatur in angustiis.
Quis invenit faciem eius?
Ipse Deus fortis potens et consiliarius.
Considerans vultumque illius
angelico nihil asserit esse pius.
Qui tenuerit verba sapientiae
habebit spem vitae semptiernae.
of God and men
shall he be and angelic
his sight.
The word of life his speech
and blessed he who shall love it.
Amid his teeth strength,
there shall there be wisdom with counsel.
His lips excellent with myrrh,
his throat giving forth sweet perfumes.
His back like a carved shield
ornamented about with jewels.
His way the way of simplicity
is set free in hard places.
Who has met with his face?
God himself, strong, powerful and wise.
Looking on his countenance
it is nothing holier than an angel’s.
Who shall hold the words of wisdom
shall have hope of eternal life.